KUALA LUMPUR, Jan 22 — The Ministry of Primary Industries’ year-long “Love MY Palm Oil” campaign to fight anti-palm oil campaigns that are threatening people’s livelihoods received a boost with the coming together of Malaysia Airlines Bhd, Malindo Airways Sdn Bhd and AirAsia Bhd to endorse Malaysian palm oil to the world.

The three airlines, along with Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB), will extol the virtues of palm oil through their digital info screens, in-flight magazines and entertainment systems, art and product displays.

“I am glad that MAHB and the airlines have displayed their patriotism by supporting our campaign to further elevate the image of palm oil,” said Primary Industries Minister Teresa Kok in a statement today.

“Their efforts will also help us counter misperceptions on palm oil created by the aggressive anti-palm oil campaigns.”

The campaign, which was mooted by Kok on January 8, was to instil pride and a greater appreciation for Malaysian palm oil, by focusing on socio-economic importance, health, nutrition and food, and non-food applications.

This followed the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) passing a resolution last October to ban palm oil biofuels in Europe by 2020.

“I hope many more industry players will come forward and join us in this cause to protect our nation’s largest commodity that has been the source of livelihood and jobs for three million people,” she added.

Malaysia and Indonesia are the largest producers of palm oil globally.

Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is scheduled to officiate the official launch of the “Love MY Palm Oil” campaign in the first quarter of 2019.