PETALING JAYA, Feb 17 ― A former Romanian model and winner of several beauty contests was ordered to resign from her role at a hospital because she was “too pretty”.

Romanian news portals reported that beauty queen Claudia Ardelean, 27, was appointed to an unpaid position on the board of the Pneumophthisiology Clinical Hospital in Cluj, Romania a little over a week ago.

Delighted for landing her new job, Ardelean, who has a double degree in law and European ethics, posted a picture on social media to commemorate her success on February 8.

“I am thankful for the trust and support of the Cluj National Liberal Party!” she said in the post.

Her post, which was later removed, received backlash as many claimed that she was only given the role because of her looks.

This led the board of directors on the Cluj City Council to “rethink” their decision, as they demanded Ardelean’s immediate resignation.

Ardelean told local news portals that she was understandably stunned by the board’s U-turn on her appointment and disappointed by the backward criticism she faced online.

Ardelean has won multiple beauty contests in Romania, and also works as a lawyer at a local notary office. ― Picture via Instagram/@claudiaardelean_
Ardelean has won multiple beauty contests in Romania, and also works as a lawyer at a local notary office. ― Picture via Instagram/@claudiaardelean_

“Some people’s reactions have been superficial. According to my CV, I have the necessary skills and education to justify my appointment to that position,” she told Business Magazin, as per Google translate.

“By profession, I am a lawyer at a notary office, a double degree holder and a person who is in continuous professional training. I’m even an entrepreneur as I have my own hostess agency and event management company.

“Unfortunately, in Romania, there are still these prejudices. But I believe that beauty should not influence or hinder the professional career of people.”

Ardelean has also actively pursued a career in politics and has previously served as a member of the Cluj National Liberal Party.

Ardelean also pursued a career in politics and has served in the Cluj National Liberal Party. ― Picture via Instagram/@claudiaardelean_
Ardelean also pursued a career in politics and has served in the Cluj National Liberal Party. ― Picture via Instagram/@claudiaardelean_

Cluj council president Alin Tise said last week that he felt bad for forcing Ardelean out of the job, but affirmed that it had to be done to avoid any “suspicion” or bad press regarding her appointment.

“I deeply regret the incident. I requested the resignation of Claudia Ardelean. Even though she was an unpaid member of the board,” he said as reported by local newspaper Click.

“From a professional point of view, Mrs Ardelean has the necessary qualifications and proper training. Any other aspects that were presented in the press are related to her private life.

“In order to avoid any doubt, suspicion or question marks regarding this appointment, we requested the immediate resignation of this individual.”