PETALING JAYA, Dec 26 — A group of Malaysian youths caused controversy online when they were photographed with T-shirts bearing the logo of pornographic website Pornhub.

Twitter user @zulfazlirshid shared the photo of the teens and condemned them for wearing the tees, which included obscene illustrations of naked women and a person wearing a ball gag.

“The teens of this generation. With their pride, they are labeling themselves as the most hipster amongst other hipsters in this century,” he wrote.

The tweet has gotten more than 3,400 retweets and 4,300 likes so far.

Twitter users reacted with disgust and bewilderment to the lewd T-shirts and debated how the teens’ parents could let them leave the house dressed in such a manner.

“They must have left home wearing a different outfit and changed once they were at a different location,” said @baaabbbbyyyyyy.

“Don’t their mums get angry when it’s time to do the laundry?” asked @pjyktt.

“Maybe they were forced to wear the T-shirts and be photographed, if not they’ll get killed?” joked @thealammm.

Some also criticised the youths, who many assumed to be of Muslim faith, for wearing the inappropriate T-shirts.

“They are so proud to be wearing Pornhub clothes. As a Muslim, I’m ashamed,” wrote @adamdrwori.