
Most Read

Reviewing upcoming Covid-19 bill in Malaysian parliament — Fakhrurrazi Rashid

Case reports on SOP breaches — Arvinder-Singh HS

Re-imagining the future of George Town's heritage — Joshua Woo

Something wicked this way comes — Howard Lee

What trans people need is the license to be respected as human — Justice for Sisters

Happy Birthday Tun, it is not too late! — Mohammad A.H.

Zero tolerance for sexual harassment — CSO Platform for Reform

On migrants, mistreatment and Malaysia — Hafidz Baharom

Life-changing healthcare breakthrough towards Malaysia 5.0 — Afifah Suhaimi

Standing in solidarity to save Arte Moris, Timor-Leste — Khoo Ying Hooi

Victim blaming perpetuates silence, injustice — WCC

Cultivating accountability and transparency during Covid-19 — Akhbar Satar

End intimidation of activists and respect freedom of expression and thought — Maria Chin Abdullah

Brain drain in Malaysia: Why Malaysians don’t want to come back home — Rueben Ananthan Santhana Dass

Should a Speaker of the Dewan Rakyat represent the ruling party? — Fakhrurrazi Rashid

It’s legal to party-hop but is it morally right? — Leonard Yeoh and Nurul Qarirah