KUALA LUMPUR, April 11 — The investigation papers on allegations by a Chinese tourist who claimed to have been extorted by policemen at the Dato Onn roundabout here recently were sent to the Deputy Public Prosecutor’s office yesterday for further action.

Kuala Lumpur acting police chief Datuk Yahaya Othman said so far seven individuals have had their statements taken to facilitate investigations.

“The case is being investigated under Section 385 of the Penal Code for extortion and we are now currently waiting for further action,” he told a media conference after launching the Courteous Driving and Safe Home campaign at the Kuala Lumpur Police Contingent Headquarters here today.


Yahaya said police have yet to take the statement of the Chinese female tourist as she is reported to have returned to her country.

Recently, a woman, said to be a tourist from China uploaded a video on TikTok claiming that she had to pay off RM200 to policemen after leaving her passport in her hotel room. — Bernama
