KUALA LUMPUR, April 28 ― The National Security Council (NSC) is finalising new standard operating procedure (SOP) for Covid-19 green zones, said Senior Minister Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob.

He said the SOP will remove some of the restrictions imposed under the movement control order (MCO).

“For green zones, we are thinking about allowing some relaxed rules but these will come with SOPs. For example, in gated housing areas or flats,  if there have been no Covid-19 cases for more than a month, and no symptoms, we can grant some freedom, like leaving their units, going downstairs to move about, and taking the kids out,” he said during his daily press briefing here today.

“Maybe it will be done block by block, with a time frame, maybe three hours. But they cannot leave the gated area yet.

“They are still looking into the details so we have yet to decide, but the NSC is looking into this and will consult with the relevant authorities, including the health ministry and the police.

“The NSC is getting feedback from all ministries so that the SOP covers all aspects,” he said.

Malaysia remains under the MCO until at least May 12.