Child-shaped traffic pillars creep out motorist in UK village (VIDEO)
A UK motorist is creeped out by his encounter with pillars that look like children. — Screen capture from Twitter/ @andrewcopson

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 10 — A motorist has been left creeped out as he drives past the Stoney Stanton village in the UK with children pillars lining the road.

Andrew Copson, from Leicester, said the child-shaped traffic pillars reminded him of the sci-fi novel The Midwich Cuckoos, in which the children gave uncomfortable looks and communicated awkwardly.


"Because no one ever believes me when I tell them that one of our neighbouring villages has made their bollards look like Midwich Cuckoo style children, I have recorded the ghastly proof on video,” he wrote as quoted by Daily Star, adding that the sight was worse at night.

In the clip, Copson was seen driving through a school safety zone as a sign suggested drivers to drive at a speed of 32 kilometers per hour.

Two metres further down the sign, a child bollard dressed up in a blue sweater and pleated skirt, is placed on the pavement, facing the drivers.

Another one is seen standing right next to a bus stop while a third one is placed near a zebra crossing that appears to be "staring" at Copson as he zooms in the camera.

Many commented they felt the chills and that the child bollards were "terrifying” and "the stuff of nightmares”.

Copson admitted that he did not observe if there was any school around as when he drove past the area, he would be too mesmerised by the creepy bollards to notice anything else.

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