What You Think
It won’t be easy but be steadfast — Joe Public
Malay Mail

MARCH 20 — We are into the start of the third day of the Movement Control Order. There were, of course, some teething problems but the various agencies entrusted with the implementation of the MCO adapted quickly to improvise and adjust to the needs of the rakyat. 

It is not easy, as this is the first time our country is facing such a situation to face an enormous health hazard. The authorities have been calm and professional in the discharge of their duties.


Bravo to one and all especially to the entire medical profession, doctors, nurses, administrators etc.  Huge sacrifices are made by them and their families. Yet, we have not heard one single complaint.

This is indeed admirable and we must be grateful and our prayers must go out to them, that they will be protected and free from infection. We pray to Allah for HIS blessings to all of them.

Praise must also go to the Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for a low but effective profile and not exploiting the situation to grandstand. His actions speak louder than words, bearing in mind that our PM just recovered from cancer.

The PM’s demeanour was one of quiet confidence and determination to do well and protect the country. He could but rightly did not indulge in political fanfare. His statements and actions were measured, appropriate and people friendly.

He should ignore the armchair critics, just implement what you need to do. The country will be behind you. This step is but phase one. There is no guarantee that it will put an end to the spread of the disease. 

But he and his team also must not fear telling the truth or the extent and enormity of the challenge. There must be no cover up of any mistakes which are bound to happen as this is a work in progress.

The PM must acknowledge without fear of any contradiction, that this infection can reoccur even to those who have recovered as reported in China may mutate. If this happens, inspire our country to double our efforts to solve and overcome the challenge.

The economy will be hit in the short run and in some sectors very badly in spite of stimulus, subsidies and other aid measures.  It is only to be expected. Be steadfast.

* This is the personal opinion of the writer or publication and does not necessarily represent the views of Malay Mail.

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