Johor touts RM114.9b manufacturing investment, 778,000 new jobs in report card
Johor Mentri Besar Mohamed Khaled Nordin (centre) and the state exco during the presentation of the 2013-2018 Achievement Report Card at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia in Batu Pahat March 25, 2018. u00e2u20acu201d Picture courtesy of Johor Mentri Besaru00e2u20acu2122s Offic

BATU PAHAT, March 25 — The Johor government boasted drawing investments totalling RM114.9 billion in its manufacturing sector in the last five years in its pre-GE14 report card released today.


Titled "Building a New Decade in Johor”, the self-evaluated five-year achievement report card listed the Barisan Nasional (BN) state government’s achievements from 2013 to date.

The state government highlighted the creation of over 778,000 new jobs, with the bulk of it — 732,325 jobs — within Iskandar Malaysia, the southern development corridor covering some 2,217sq km and encompassing four districts: Johor Baru, Kulai, Pekan Nanas and Kukup.

The remaining 45,764 new jobs were from the Pengerang Integrated Petroleum Complex.

The report card also stated that over 18,000 affordable homes have been completed since 2013, with 16,010 units under the Johor Affordable Homes programme.

The government of the country’s southernmost state had also built, widened or upgraded 1,546.36km village roads, according to the report.

Johor, which was once notorious for having one of the highest crime rates in the country, also saw a 46 per cent drop in reported cases since 2011.

Johor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin said his administration hopes that the public can be accurately informed about the state’s performance through the release of the report on the internet.

"It is also to highlight the state government’s ability in keeping with the 13th general election (GE13) manifesto and all the initiatives announced since May 2013.

"The successes are the result of the endeavours of all parties in Johor regardless of their background,” he said in a media statement.

A copy of the report can be obtained from:

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