Malaysians, meet the three candidates of the McD Elections and cast your vote to enjoy delicious discounts (VIDEO)
Cast your votes now in the McD Elections. u00e2u20acu201d Picture courtesy of McDonaldu00e2u20acu2122s Malaysia

PETALING JAYA, June 13 — Three of the top-selling items from McDonald’s Malaysia will be battling it out to become the number one meal on the menu, chosen by the rakyat themselves.

That’s right, Malaysians have a vital role to play in the McD Elections 2019 which will decide the meal of the year in a truly democratic fashion.


The three candidates in the ring are the classic McChicken, the beefy Double Cheeseburger, and popular newbie crunchy Ayam Goreng McD.

Just like any proper election, each candidate has their own propaganda and campaign promises that will bring yummy benefits to the people should they rise to the top in the polls.

Before you mark your ballot, get to know the three contenders along with their history and their vision for McDonald’s Malaysia.


With more than 35 years of experience on the menu at McDonald’s Malaysia, it’s safe to say that McChicken has been a go-to choice for many locals over the decades.

He knows how much Malaysians love a good deal, so his first action is to slash the price of a McChicken Meal to RM8.99 in line with his value-for-money principles.

If he wins, McChicken is promising Malaysians a crazy week-long RM5 deal for two McChicken burgers.

Double Cheeseburger

Beefy items can be underdogs on the McDonald’s Malaysia menu. Just ask Double Cheeseburger.

He wants to lead McDonald’s in a new culinary direction by putting beef back into the spotlight and sparking change in the tastebuds of customers.

As part of his campaign, he’s brought back his big brother, the Quarter Pounder with Cheese, after hearing the fervent demands of Malaysians on social media.

If Double Cheeseburger is elected, he promises to make the Quarter Pounder with Cheese a permanent item on the menu along with a 50 per cent discount on all Double Cheeseburgers.

Ayam Goreng McD

It can be scary being a newcomer on the scene but Ayam Goreng McD is already winning over many of her voters’ hearts.

She rose to fame and became one of the top three items on McDonald’s Malaysia’s menu in 2017, posing an unprecedented challenge to her burger rivals.

To show how much she understands Malaysians and the rising cost of living, she will be lowering the price of an Ayam Goreng McD Meal down to RM13.99.

An awesome buy-one-free-one deal awaits Malaysians if she comes out on top of the polls.

So, who will you be rooting for in the McD Elections 2019?

Head to your nearest McDonald’s front counter or drive-thru or call up McDelivery and vote by simply ordering your favourite candidate off the menu.

The more you eat, the more votes your favourite gets throughout the period of June 13 to June 26. The winner is set to be revealed on June 27.

Every vote counts, so hashtag #McDElections2019 on social media and get your friends and family to support your candidate of choice as well.

For more information, visit the official McDonald’s Malaysia website.

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