Phase One delivery: Feast on 'yong tau foo' and addictive fried pork belly from Kepong's Restoran E So Yong Tou Foo
Malay Mail

KUALA LUMPUR, July 14 — Recently, Instagram has been feeding my appetite. That's how I ended up with a feast for lunch from Restoran E So Yong Tou Foo.

Located at Bandar Sri Menjalara, delivery from the restaurant is available on the Beepit platform. The menu is a mix of dishes and a selection of yong tau foo. For the dishes, their bestsellers are Hakka classics such as Woo Tau Kau Yok, Vinegar Pork Leg and so forth.


High on the order list is their fried pork belly (small portion for RM20, large portion for RM28). This came recommended by two friends. The pork belly is well marinated hence each bite of the tender meat with a layer of fat was absolutely delicious. It was so hard to resist that some pieces ended up in the stomach before the photo could be taken.

It's a little different from the other versions I have eaten that tend to be very crispy. Maybe due to delivery, this one had a very thin, soft crust. If you have an air fryer, just crisp it up. For me, I didn't mind the softer texture as it was the flavour I liked.

Apparently their Woo Tau Kau Yok, which pairs fluffy yam with pork belly is also good. I'll probably order that the next round. I see piquant tasting dishes like assam choy too. Those vegetables will be good to perk up the appetite.

Be careful! This fried pork belly is addictive (left). Crunch down on these fried 'foo chuk' whether it's the flat or rolled version (right)

On to their yong tau foo selection, I picked a mix of fried items and some to be paired with soup. Each piece is priced at RM1.80. Select from fried items like foo chuk (flat and roll), brinjal, tofu pok, white tofu, lady finger, bitter gourd and dumplings. You also can get dumplings in soup, white tofu and meat fish balls.

I had ordered lady's fingers but as they ran out, they called to inform me to ask what I would like to replace it with, which I appreciated, rather than dumping me some unknown items.

Their meat fish balls are plump and satisfying when paired with their white 'tofu' and that sweet tasting soup

What I really enjoyed was the yong tau foo's filling. Most places tend to make it with just fish paste. This gives it a bouncier bite. Originally, the Hakka version was entirely made from pork stuffing with salted fish. Sadly, that is a thing of the past, especially for commercial versions.

This restaurant's version was a nice mixture of pork and fish paste, hence the texture is fluffier. Even though it omits the salted fish, it's still a tasty bite when you eat it with the soft fried brinjal or the firmer bitter gourd.

Whenever I eat 'yong tau foo', fried brinjal and bitter gourd are my must-eats

My fried items still kept their crispiness after the delivery. Again, if you want a crispy bite, just air fry it. What I really liked too was how the fried foo chuk weren"t dripping with oil.

Equally enjoyable was their soup that was sweet tasting. This paired well with their silky soft white tofu stuffed with the filling. If you love chunky meatballs, their pork and fish balls are really yummy with that fluffier texture.

Restoran E So Yong Tou Foo, No. 55, Jalan 9/62a, Bandar Sri Menjalara, Kuala Lumpur. Tel:012-23080727. Open daily: 9am to 8pm.

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