Unvaccinated Sarawakians barred from attending funerals at longhouses, villages under Phase Two of NRP

KUCHING, July 26 — Unvaccinated individuals are not allowed to attend funerals at the longhouses and villages, according to the latest Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for funerals during the current Phase Two of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) in Sarawak.

The SOP, prepared by Unit for Other Religions (Unifor) and Council for Native Customs and Traditions (Mais), also stated that children who are 12 years and below and those in the high risk group are not allowed to attend funerals.


"Pre and post funeral ceremonies are only for immediate family members. Only 30 people are allowed at one time, subjected to the area size (private home /longhouse/funeral parlour),” stated the SOP which was released by Sarawak Disaster Management Committee (SDMC) on the Sarawak Disaster Information’s Facebook page yesterday.

The SOP also mentioned that only 30 people, including funeral service provider and immediate family members are allowed to attend the ceremony at the cemetery.

"Individuals displaying symptoms such as fever, cough, flu or temperature higher than 37.5 degree Celsius are not allowed to attend (the funerals). Also not allowed is sharing of eating and drinking utensils such as cup, plate, bowl, spoon and fork.

"Gambling activities such as Holo, playing cards and others related are also not allowed,” it added.

The SOP also said the Village Security and Development Committee (JKKK) has the authority and responsibilities to ensure the SOP compliance at the village or longhouse.

It revealed among the authority and responsibilities of the JKKK include entry/exit control to the village and longhouse and taking safety precautions to prevent transmission of Covid-19.

It added the JKKK should also ensure visitors check-in via MySejahtera app or record their attendance in the attendance book, prepare signs (one entrance/one exit) and setting up of registration counter (temperature screening, wearing face mask, hand wash /sanitisation, record attendance).

"It is mandatory for the JKKK to report any death at private home/longhouse/village to the police station/district office,” it added.

Sarawak has entered the Phase Two of the NRP since July 14 which saw more economic sector reopen as more people are getting vaccinated. Inter-district anf inter-state movements are still restricted.

According to past news reports, many Covid-19 clusters in Sarawak are caused by funeral gatherings with Pasai Cluster in Sibu being the most notorious one which had led to 2,693 positive cases and 29 deaths. — Borneo Post

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