PETALING JAYA, August 14 — Rapper Altimet has had enough with unsolicited comments about his skin.

The Malaysian artist hit back at haters in an Instagram post that drove the message home about judging others based on physical appearance.

The 40-year-old said he is proud of how his skin looks because it has taught him important life lessons throughout the years.

“My skin is my armour, it has protected me against many negative things.




Kulit aku perisai aku. Kulit aku byk lindungi aku dari benda2 negatif. • Dari orang yang menilai orang lain hanya dari segi luaran sahaja. Tak ramai orang mcm ni dalam hidup aku. Alhamdulillah. • Kulit aku lindungkan aku dari wanita wanita yang boleh melalaikan aku. Dengan itu membuka jalan untuk yang nampak lebih dalam dan mendapat jalan masuk kedalam hati aku. • Kulit aku pernah membuat saingan2 aku memandang rendah kat aku, jadi mereka tak endahkan aku, sekaligus memberi aku ruang untuk menjadi lebih kuat & handal untuk mengatasi mereka. You know who you are. • Kulit aku membuat orang memberi nasihat kat aku supaya jangan bergantung pada rupa utk berjaya dalam bidang ni. Oleh itu aku menggantung harga diri aku pada kualiti karya aku. Ye, aku tak tampan, tapi pena aku menari atas kertas dgn lenggok yang lawa, yang tajam bila perlu, yang lembut bila kena masanya, yang lain daripada yang lain. • Kulit aku ni Allah bagi kat aku jadi aku boleh jadi aku. Dia bagi aku Kulit yang tebal, jadi tembaklah kuat mana, InsyaAllah tak lut. • Kalau awak ada Kulit mcm ni, atau rasa kecewa sebab orang lain lagi cantik, lawa, hensem dari awak, jangan risau. Ada hiahmya. Lagipun, Kulit yang mulus/cantik tak kekal selamanya. #CakapTerang #Kulit

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And that included “those who judge others based on the outside.

“Not many like them are in my life, thank God.”

“My skin protects me from women who can lead me astray and with that, opening the way to see something deeper and finding a way into my heart,” he wrote yesterday.

The Amboi rapper whose real name is Syed Ahmad Syed Abdul Rahman Alhadad also spoke about how his skin made his competitors look down on him and ignore him.

This, he said, gave him the space to be stronger and better to overtake them.

Not having perfect skin prompted others to advise him that one shouldn’t rely on looks to be successful in showbusiness.

“That’s why I count on my self-worth and the quality of my craft.

“Yes I’m not handsome but my pen dances on paper with beautiful curves, it’s sharp when it needs to be and soft when the time calls for it.

“God gave me this skin so I can be who I am. He gave me thick skin so fire away as you wish,” Altimet wrote.

The Ola Bola The Musical star concluded his post with the reminder that looks and perfect skin doesn’t last forever.